Plastic in my veins



And plastic bag

Trick or treat

Ghost or Plastic in the ocean?

I don’t know if ghost really exist

but the Great Pacific garbage patch

in the ocean is!

It’s funny how you are scared of what you can’t even see without realized that you’re the most scary creature here.

We are human, we act like we care for everything, but in fact , We only care about ourselves. So you should know that everything is connected , No matter what we thrown away, it will always come back to us soon or later.

Well it’s our turn now. !

Take care of our waste, Cause just a piece of plastic can take someone’s life.

I don’t care if we gonna die from a tun of micro plastic in our brain or our blood.

If we deserve our fate , does animals deserve it?

We love our life, And so do they.

This planet is not ours.